According to reports from Palakkad, Delhi unit of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) had carried out raid, at the residence of Moideen Kutty Faizy, the national president of Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI). Reports suggest that raid was conducted during the wee hours of February 28. The residence is at Vilayoor Koorachippadi, near Koppam, Palakkad. It was completed by 12.30 hours the same day. A team of 20 police personnel, led by Sub Inspector of the Koppam Police Station, was there during the raid. Reports suggest that Delhi Unit of the ED had sought the assistance of the Kozhikode and Kochi units. It is said to be the part of simultaneous raids in different parts of the country. The ED team has not disclosed anything about the raid.
There is widespread assumption that SDPI is the political wing of the outlawed Popular Front of India (PFI). There were reports of Faizy’s statement ascribing action against the PFI to ‘undeclared Emergency prevailing in the country,’
BM Kamble, the national vice president of the Social Democratic Front of SDPI, condemned the raid.
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