Thiruvananthapuram: “The relentless organisational work carried out by Swargeeya Ramgopalji raised the pride of Hindus, especially in Tamil Nadu,” said Shri S Sethumadhavan, RSS, Akhil Bharatheeya Karyakari Sadasyan. He was delivering the keynote address in the “Sraddanjali Sabha of Swargeeya Ramgopalji” organised jointly by Centre for Policy and Development Studies and Tatwamayi Television.
The respected RSS pracharak said that Ramgopalji was instrumental in moulding him to become a sangha pracharak as well as several youths of those days. He said that Ramgopalji was the Palakkad district pracharak of RSS and as a thirteen-year-old sangha swayamsevak, he was awed at the organisational work carried put by Ramgopalji. He said that Ramgopalji was an RSS pracharak since 1947 and was so till he breathed his last.
Shri Sethumadhavan said that in Tamil Nadu there were days when the idols of Hindu gods and goddesses were attacked by chappals and it was the tireless work of Ramgopalji as a leader of Hindu Munnani that provided pride and respect to Hindus. He said that Ramgopalji was brutally attacked by Islamic terrorists and had come back to life after spending months in hospitals. Sethumadhavan also said that Ramgopalji had the mark of the violent attack in his skull although his life.
Speaking at the webinar, Dr Vanniarajan, Dakshina Kshetra Sangachalak of RSS said that Swargeeya Ramgopalji was a model for the Sangh swayamsevaks of the country especially for those in Tamil Nadu. He said that Ramgopalji had guided thousands of swayamsevaks of Tamil Nadu for selfless service to uplift the morale of the Hindu community. He said that he had the privilege and luck to work closely with Ramgopalji since 1973 and added that the senior pracharak was always an epitome of love and compassion. He said that Ramgopalji never used to take any credit of the work he had done and would always state that it was Lord Vinayaka who was instrumental for that.
Chief Editor of Tatwamayi TV Rajesh Pillai said that Kerala is also facing the menace of Islamic terrorism and that the memories of Ramgopalji would always be a guiding force for the sangha swayamsevaks of Kerala.
Director of Centre for Policy and Development Studies, Arun Lakshman welcomed the gathering and Rajesh Pillai proposed a vote of thanks.
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