The education system today has become more of business, and thus the humanity factor is on decline in the society said RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji. He was addressing the Ardhamandalotsava – 24 year completion of the Maitheyee Gurkula at Moorkaje, Vitla, in Bantwal taluk Karnataka on 27 March.

It is known that universities do not teach smuggling however smuggling is still present in them. The universities which could produce noble personalities are reducing unfortunately. The education which turned out to be business and a money making way has deteriorated the values in the society said Sarsanghchalak in his address.
The human values and humanity is on the decline. The education should therefore focus on teaching values and humanity rather than teaching ways to lead life. It should have the prime goal of producing noble personalities’ opined Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji.
The British for their benefit established an education system and they succeeded in achieving their goal. We had a much supreme system which was toppled. However the irony is in the fact that even after the British left we have clung on to the same system. Even during the time when British ruled and governed the education system we must not forget that great personalities like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi were born here. We must attribute the success to such a thing to the rich Bharatiya culture and values Dr. Bhagwat Ji said.
Sri Sri Ravishankar of the Art of Living, Sri Nirmalanandanatha Swamiji of the Adichunchanagiri Mutt were also present on this occasion.