The Kerala High Court on Monday strongly criticised the government over police actions at Sabarimala including overnight arrests. The HC also directed the advocate general to present himself in the afternoon and give explanation on the matter.
The court suggested that devotees must not be held captive to implement the apex court verdict. It questioned the need for strong restrictions at the hill shrine and sought explanation on why pilgrims were not allowed to stay at Sannidhanam. The HC also directed the government not to interfere with the KSRTC bus services to Pampa.
HC directed the government to submit the list of police officers deployed at Sabarimala and sought clarification if the officers were trained to handle crowds. HC also sought clarity on the Sabarimala-duty experience of police officers deployed at Nilakkal, Pampa and Sannidhanam.
Earlier this morning Kerala High Court came down heavily on the Kerala Police for excessive intervention at Shabarimala. The judge orally observed that genuine devotees are being harassed. The court summons advocate general to offer an explanation at 1:45 PM
Every one have agenda – Your word and your deed doesn’t correlate………. Kerala High Court to Advocate General.