Amid rising tensions between India and Pakistan, the Indian defence forces were able to push back a Pakistani fighter jet which violated Indian airspace.The Pakistani aircraft entered Nowshera sector in Kashmir but was successfully opposed by the Indian side.The Indian Air Force has successfully shot down a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet that ventured into Indian airspace, reports say. Also, there is credible evidence that the pilot parachuted from the jet.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani media have begun to spread false news claiming that Pakistan have shot down an Indian jet.
Surprisingly, the picture of the downed Indian fighter plane, which was being shown in Pak media, turned out to be the picture of an Indian aircraft that crashed in Odisha in 2015 during a training exercise.
India has put Jammu and Kashmir on high alert. Airports in Leh, Jammu, Srinagar and Pathankot is put on high alert.
Meanwhile, US asked Pakistan to take meaningful action against terror groups operating from its soil.