Prof Joseph Pulikkunnel, A Nation Christian Of Contemporary Kerala Is No More.
Prof Joseph Pulikkunnel, a nation Christian of contemporary Kerala is no more. He fought for a national Church exalts national values free from foreign influence. He started his career as a professor in a Catholic Management College at Kozhikkode (Calicut). B it is because of his pro national attitude he was removed from the service during the sixties of the last century.
He continued his fight against Church’s anti democratic and anti-national activities.
He came openly against Cross cultivation of the Catholic Church. During the Nilakkal agitation (Hindu joint agitation against planting of Cross in the Holy land of Sabarimala) he openly declared his support to the Hindus of Kerala.
His social service has no parallels in the contemporary Kerala.
He was a man of wit and hummer. His humorous language was the main threat to the Catholic Church of Kerala.
Once he sarcastically said Once Devil asked Jesus: “If you are the God’s son, order these stones to turn into bread”. Then Jesus outlived the temptation of the Devil. At present the Church in Kerala converting the stones as bread by constructing buildings and starting colleges, professional colleges and hospitals and minting money. Thus Kerala Church is making bread out of stones.
Until the 1962 Second Council of Vatican laity was forbidden from reading Bible. The available bible with the Kerala Church was in Latin. The Latin Bible loudly reading in the Church during mass was the age-old practice of Kerala Church. Neither priest who reads the bible nor the laity who listen the bible reading was not aware of its meaning.
Hence he translated the Latin Bible into Malayalam with the help of scholars and sold it at a throw away price was a great revolution. Hence the Catholic Church forced to publish a Malayalam Bible.
His continuing fight was against Vatican for the liberating the native church from its octopus tightening. At present the owner of the properties of the Church is Pope. Until his death he is in legal fight against this anomaly.
The demise of Prof. Joseph Pulikkunnel is a great shock to the idea of National Church with Hindu value system.